Posted by Nurul Basher on
The latest update for the hugely popular X-Pad software is out today. Following feedback from Geomax customers, it has kept the easy-to-use functionality that has made it loved amongst survey professionals but made some key improvements. Here’s an outline of what to expect:
Job manager – The job manager now has a great-looking carousel view, with each job having a photo or map associated with it. Jobs can also be sorted more easily, so never lose a job again!
Recovery and compacting – Jobs can take up a lot of space. X-Pad is now better at compacting jobs to take up less space and run more quickly.
Memory management – Got a large DXF? Well, don’t brag about it. Just upload it to X-Pad 3.0 and get on with your work, because this is a major improvement. Still get rid of any layers you’re not using though, you don’t really need them.
Maps and CAD – Want to overlay your maps with more than just google maps? Well you can now, with plenty to choose from including the OS. Fans of contours will be pleased. Also, maps can be stored offline for when you’ve got no internet. CAD also gains functionality with the user being able to explode commands and add text commands along a line.
Smart Drawing 3.0 – With this update, it’s much easier to manipulate lines and the user can define automatic rules such as if you want to walk in a repeat zig-zag along a road.
There are probably even more improvements we’ve missed but these were the ones that really stood out for us at Surveytech. With such regular updates, X-Pad developers really show their commitment to listening to feedback from our customers (especially about large DXF files) and constantly improving the user experience. It can be difficult to keep up with so many updates, but luckily X-Pad on android tells you when they become available – just look out for the little arrow at the top of your screen!